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Fingers' Metal Shop"Interviews with the Gods"For as long as I can remember, I have been a die-hard fan of "Fingers' Metal Shop," broadcasting out of 102.3 FM WBAB in Babylon, Long Island, N.Y every Sunday night at 11:00 PM. This is one of the rare gems of a radio program one hopes to find on the radio dial on a more regular basis, to say the least. In these times of generic alterna-crap and all-repeat radio stations, Fingers, and his spunky partner-in-crime Gail Fluge (I hope I spelled that right!), continue to pump out the best heavy metal and hard rock tunes around. FMS has been on the air for over 15 years. And some of the brightest moments of this show is when the listeners are treated to one of Fingers' interviews - ranging from a goofy local band (hey, they ARE from Long Island!) to one of the legends of metal. He's interviewed everyone from Gene Simmons to Mark Slaughter to The Great Katt to Biohazard. But during the past year, we had the pleasure of hearing Fingers interview perhaps the biggest men in metal: Rob Halford and Tim Owens. The singers of Judas Priest. Now, these aren't hollow, kiss-ass interviews. Fingers has a tremendous ability keep even the longest of grill sessions interesting, to say the least. And he's honest. He asks all of the questions you want to hear and more. In fact, I don't think he's ever done an interview that sucked. (Well, OK, Vinnie Vincent was an asshole, but that ain't anyone else's fault!). Here you will find out all you need to know about the past and current singers of Judas Priest in two seperate interviews. Rob was interviewed in March a few weeks after the whole "eMpTyV-needs-more-publicity-so-let's-capitalize-on-Rob-Halford's- personal-life" fiasco and just prior to the release of "Voyeurs" from his band TWO. (By the way, that album is incredible!). If anyone has had any questions as to just how much of a gentleman this legend is, this interview will show how much class Rob Halford has. On top of that, find out what he thinks of Tim Owens, what the future of FIGHT is, and even hear him tell a Bill Clinton joke! Fingers' session with Tim Owens took place a week before his debut with Priest. He tells the whole story about how he got his dream gig, talks about the history of the band, and all about his experiences with Priest prior to the release of "Jugulator." These are two fantasic interviews. I know you'll enjoy listening to them. Please let Fingers know what you think of his interviews. I am sure he'd be excited to hear from Priest fans all over the world.
![]() (QT Plug-in Required) Part 1 - 6:10, 1.2 MB Part 2 - 6:05, 1.3 MB Part 3 - 9:19, 1.8 MB Part 4 - 12:30, 2.5 MB Part 5 - 3:48, 788K Part 6 - 7:02, 1.4 MB Part 7 - 5:08, 1 MB Part 8 - 7:20, 1.4 MB |